

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Clery行为) is a federal consumer protection law that requires institutions of higher education participating in the federal student financial aid program to 披露校园、建筑物或财产上的某些犯罪信息 或由大学控制,并在公共财产内或立即 毗邻校园.


  • 收集,分类,统计克莱利法案犯罪报告和统计数据.
  • Publish an 年度保安报告 and 消防安全报告 by October 1st of each year. 该报告必须提供给所有当前和未来的学生和员工.
  • 发布校园警报:及时警告和紧急通知:
    • Timely warnings alert the campus community of Clery行为 crimes that pose a serious 或者是对校园社区的持续威胁.
    • 紧急通知通知校园社区在确认重大 校园内发生的紧急或危险情况,涉及直接威胁 学生或员工的健康或安全.
  • 失踪学生通知 为住在校内宿舍的学生制定政策和程序.
  • 保持一个 每日犯罪日志 公开接受公众检查的已报告的犯罪事件.
  • Submit Clery行为 crime statistics (and fire statistics related to on-campus student 住房设施)到美国.S. 教育部.
  • 提供教育项目和活动,提高人们对约会暴力的认识, 家庭暴力,性侵犯和跟踪. 

年度保安报告 & 消防安全报告

包含在 年度保安报告 & 消防安全报告 are three years’ worth of statistics for certain types of crimes that were reported to have occurred on campus, in off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled 在大学里,或在校园内或紧挨着校园的公共财产上.  In addition to the crime data the TCU Police Department maintains, the statistics 载于《bc体育》 & 消防安全报告包括犯罪 报告给各个校园安全部门和当地执法部门.  统计数据 报告了酒类法律,毒品法律和武器犯罪的类别代表 the number of individuals arrested or referred to campus judicial authorities for 各自的侵犯.  该报告还包括针对该大学的声明 policies, procedures and programs concerning safety, crime prevention, fire safety, and security policies for responding to emergency situations and sexual offenses.  

The TCU Police Department prepares this report in cooperation with the Fort Worth 警察局,联邦和州机构,以及任何其他执法管辖区 已经在我们的校园里采取了行动.  向指定官员报告的犯罪统计数字; including but not limited to officials with significant responsibility for student 并对校园活动和执法机关有管辖权的一切进行报告 大学的财产,包括在这个报告中.   此外,TCU住房和 Residence Life, 第九条 Office, Department of Public Safety, Office of 合规, 教务处和学生事务处负责筹备工作 本报告的内容.  每个实体都提供有关其教育工作的最新信息 以及遵守《bc体育》的项目. 

年度保安报告 & 德州基督教大学的消防安全报告是 可在TCU警察局网站下载,网址为 http://police.hwfj-art.com/annual-security-report.  您也可以致电817-257-7930向TCU警察局索取纸质副本, 电邮地址: police@hwfj-art.com, or in person at the TCU Police Department located at 3025 Lubbock Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76129. 


校园安全机构(CSA),根据他们的大学职责 and under the Clery行为, is designated to receive and report criminal incidents to the TCU Police Department so they may be included and published in the university's 年度保安报告 & 消防安全报告. CSA是克莱特有的术语,包括 四组:与某一机构有关的四组个人或组织:

  • 学校的校园警察部门或校园保安部门.g., 警察组的任何成员);
  • Any individuals who have responsibility for campus security but are not members of 校园警察局、校园保卫处;
  • 学校校园安全声明中指定的个人或者组织 作为个人或组织的政策,学生和员工应该向其报告 criminal offenses; or
  • 对学生和校园负有重大责任的机构官员 activities, including but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and 校园司法程序. 

根据克莱利法案,CSA的职能是向TCU警察局报告 CSA收到的任何bc体育《bc体育》犯罪的指控. csa负责 报告以其身份向他们报告的bc体育《bc体育》罪行的指控 作为CSA. 这意味着csa不负责调查或报告 incidents that they overhear students talking about in a hallway conversation; that a classmate or student mentions during an in-class discussion; that a victim mentions during a speech, workshop, or any other form of group presentation; or that the CSA 否则以间接的方式得知.

报告形式: 要举报举报的《bc体育》犯罪,cssa应提交一份  校园保安局事件报告表格.

培训: All individuals designated as CSAs by the University are required to complete an 年度在线培训. 培训提供了克莱利法案的广泛概述,以及 了解TCU在法律下的义务,你的报告要求 作为CSA,以及报告犯罪指控的程序. TCU的所有csa都会 receive email notification regarding this designation and training requirement from 合规办公室.  
bc体育CSA的角色和职责的问题和/或所需的在线 培训应直接向海关合规处处长(地址 m.n.webster@hwfj-art.com 或致电TCU警察局,电话:(817)257-8400.

《bc体育》要求机构披露四大类犯罪: 刑事犯罪,仇恨犯罪,逮捕和转介,和VAWA犯罪.

谋杀/ Nonnegligent杀人罪故意(非过失)杀害一个人的行为. 这种冒犯 不包括交通事故死亡、自杀、意外死亡或正当杀人 法律规定的.

强奸:阴道或肛门与任何身体部位或物体的插入,无论多么轻微; 或者未经受害人同意,用他人的性器官进行口交, 包括受害者无法给予同意的情况因为他们 年龄或由于他们暂时或永久的精神丧失能力.
被溺爱的人为了性的目的而触摸另一个人的身体私处 未经受害人同意的满足,包括受害人 is incapable of giving consent because of their age or because of their temporary 或者永久性精神残疾.
乱伦有内在联系的人之间的非强制性交 法律禁止结婚的等级.

抢劫从照料、保管或控制中拿走或试图拿走任何有价值的东西 of a person or persons by force or threat of force and/or by putting the victim in 恐惧.
加重攻击罪: an unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe 或者加重的身体伤害. 这种类型的攻击通常伴随着使用 致命的可能造成死亡或巨大身体伤害的武器或手段. 没有必要 that injury result from an aggravated assault when a gun, knife, or other weapon is 如果犯罪,可能而且可能会造成严重的潜在伤害 完成了.
入室盗窃非法进入建筑物进行重罪或盗窃. 用于报告目的 this definition includes: unlawful entry with intent to commit a larceny or felony; breaking and entering with the intent to commit a larceny; house-breaking; safecracking; 以及所有犯下上述任何罪行的企图.
机动车辆盗窃:盗窃或企图盗窃机动车辆,包括车辆 被一个没有合法进入的人拿走,即使车辆后来被遗弃 (i.e.“驾车兜风”). 
纵火:任何故意或恶意焚烧或企图焚烧,无论是否有意欺诈; a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft, personal property of 另一个等. 纵火包括个人故意或恶意的纵火事件 焚烧自己的财产. 意外火灾,如烹饪火灾不包括在内 在这次进攻中.

任何盗窃、简单攻击、恐吓、破坏/破坏/故意破坏的事件 of property, and other Clery行为 crimes that are motivated in whole or in part by 罪犯对种族、民族、国籍、性别、性别认同的偏见, 性取向、宗教和/或残疾.

盗窃罪(盗窃)非法拿走、携带、牵走或骑走财产 或对他人的建设性占有.
简单的攻击一个人对另一个人的非法身体攻击,而双方都没有 显示有武器,被害人也没有明显严重或加重的身体伤害 包括明显骨折,牙齿脱落,可能内伤,严重撕裂伤, 或者失去意识.
恐吓: is to unlawfully place another person in reasonable 恐惧 of bodily harm through the use of threatening words and/or other conduct, but without displaying a weapon 或者让受害者遭受实际的身体攻击.
破坏/伤害/破坏: to willfully or maliciously destroy, damage, deface, or otherwise injure real or personal property without the consent of the owner or the person having custody or 控制它.

根据《bc体育》,各机构还必须报告逮捕和移交纪律处分的情况 action for liquor law violations, drug law violations, and weapons law violations.

酒类违法行为: violation of state or local laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture, sale, 酒精饮料:购买、运输、拥有或使用酒精饮料.
违反禁毒法的行为:违反州或地方法律或法令禁止生产、销售、 and/or use of certain controlled substances and the equipment or devices utilized 在制备和/或使用过程中. 非法种植、制造、分销 销售、购买、使用、持有、运输或进口任何受管制药物 或者麻醉物质.
违反武器法: the violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture, sale, purchase, transportation, possession, concealment, or use of firearms, cutting instruments, 炸药、燃烧装置或其他致命武器.


约会暴力: violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a 与受害者有浪漫或亲密的关系. 这种关系的存在 shall be determined based on the reporting party's statement and with consideration of the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of 关系中涉及的人之间的互动.

  • 约会暴力包括但不限于性虐待、身体虐待或威胁 这样的虐待.
  • 约会暴力不包括家庭暴力定义所涵盖的行为.


  • 受害者的现任或前任配偶或亲密伴侣;
  • 与受害人有共同子女的人;
  • A person who is cohabitating with, or has cohabitated with, the victim as a spouse 或亲密伴侣;
  • A person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime 暴力事件的发生; or
  • 任何其他人侵害受保护的成人或青少年受害者 犯罪所在司法管辖区的家庭或家庭暴力法规定的行为 暴力事件的发生.

跟踪: engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to 恐惧 for the person's safety or the safety of others or suffer 严重的情绪困扰.

  • 行为过程是指两个或两个以上的行为,包括但不限于下列行为 the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates 对某人的,对某人的,或干涉某人财产的.
  • 通情达理的人是指在类似情况下具有类似情况的通情达理的人 受害者的身份.
  • Substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or 咨询.


《bc体育》要求机构披露克莱利法犯罪的统计数据 occur (1) on campus, (2) on public property within or immediately adjacent to the campus, and (3) in or on noncampus buildings or property that the institution owns 或控件. 

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